Welcome to Carole. Volunteer coordination Status -lots of people are volunteering in the list but Carole hasn't been able to follow up. Why? - information gathered is not very effective B.H - post jobs to the list, instead of trying to match them? J.M - How many names? C.S.- More than one/week J.M.- How about an automated reply? D.T. - How about a WWW page on CCN? C.S. should ensure that volunteers are being taken care of by the Board and team leader. We need a constant flux of new volunteers to keep CCN going. ccn-tech now has weekly meetings. That's where volunteers should be funeled Jan offered to put the job descriptions together by harassing the BOD in a regular basis. C.S. would then find a volunteer to HTML the information. J.B.H. - Did the volunteer meetings worked? C.S. - Not quite. The turnaround was not very good D.T.- We should have an orientation session for new volunteers, so the philosophy of CCN is passed on. J.M.-Meeting structure: History Mission Philosophy Structure Discussion of volunteer x membership session. Discussion on volunteers mailing list. Jan found 2: - ccn-volunteers - volunteers volunteers is the one being used now. D.T. will re-direct ccn-volunteers to volunteers The list should be moderated. ACTIONS - D.T. to:make volunteers list moderated (by C.S.) - C.S. to:develop an automatic reply.Maybe use majordomo reply (info command) + blurb - C.S. to: have a volunteer session preferably before the AGM and before the Spring break, thus: week of Feb 13 - All: have job descriptions and small projects ready to match with volunteers during session - C.S.: write an article for the next issue of the newsletter - C.S.: form the volunteer committee Joe, J.M. and C.S. are working on volunteers for the Internet Show - 10 days from now Report on Fund Raising - BOD proposal to Ross J.M. Spoke briefly with him: - no problem with the proposal - he's busy with other proposals - meeting next week JM is planning a fund raising meeting. JM, Bernie and JBH will discuss the details of Ross contract Report on Provincial proposal Bernie: meeting with minister: He's not making appointments for now. T.Lamport will be delivering a report to him. T.Lamport thinks they're ready to fund VCNs, like Windsor. We should prepare a proposal to be delivered to T.Lamport DT: meeting with Windsor next week (Thursday. Contact him if interested to attend) - Lots to do. We should use our Committees structure to get them started. - There's an NSTN point of presence in Windsor but Isis is willing to share the costs of a phone line. - the message we should pass to government is that they should support us even if other VCN's don't come on-line - our resources (especially DT) are stretched to the limit. - Not sure if T.Lamport understands the seriousness of our situation Bernie: The government has a problem with our "free" users. They want re-assurance that we got all the money we can from them before turning to them. What do we have to do with Windsor? DT: training: user, IP... technical infrastructure develop Biz plan Do they have core people? Looks like but they seem to lack somebody to pull everything together. They have staff: 1 person Succesful CAP applications: SheetHarbor(sp?)/Hubbards, Chester, Gainsborough. We'll have to start talks soon. Action DT, Bernie and JBH to work on the proposal and post it to the Board. Bernie to setup a meeting with T.Lamport Report on IPs What to do with "out of province" IPs? - charge? - if so, does that imply support? - competition with Isis? - Are we helping the C-Net movement by doing that? Moved by JM that: IP status to organizations "out of province" be declined, unless there's convincing evidence that there'll benefits for CCN or the community nets movement. Seconded by Bernie DT:How about national and international orgs? Especially those with not Net/Web access? Overall feeling that JM proposal covers that. Unanimously approved. DT: name: -> no response yet Report on Budget BOD should start drafting their needs for the next year revenue: December was above the average First week of January was a new record! $2700 75% of the new users are paying. Gerard's draft contract - Gerard wants the contract to be between CCN and WebServers but services especifically provided by him - 16 weeks duration - scope: systems maintenance, software engineering, .... (?), and documentation - $300/week - single invoice for the whole contract Bernie: check with Hugh about possible conflict of interest because Carlos is a partner in WebServers. Actions DT to: check with Hugh check with David Towers on $$ As discussed before, could we use David Murdoch training money in this situation? JBH: Andrea John wants one of us to sit in a "Censorship on the Net" panel during the Canadian Library June. Suggested: Peter Henry Design of new brochures: we need to update and correct the ones used for the last Internet Show. Action JBH to look fot he old flyer. We need to produce new flyers geared to a bigger audience because of the Provincial PATs Internet Show CS- have a donation box DT - pass the message that we're not a cheap-o ISP. JM - Apparently our booth space was already assigned Discussion if we should have an extra attraction. General consensus: no space Option: get some out-going volunteers to roam the show and distribute flyers Joe to: Get Buttons: Chebucto Volunteer -> ~ 100 Bernie: called to arrange the pay-through-phone trial period. Left message JBH to contact our nominating committee for the AGM. Ideally they should meet before the next Board meeting. DT: Suggestion: Raise Blaine sallary as soon as possible. He's working a lot and his responsabilities are increasing. Next Board Meeting @Carlos 1233 Queen St. ap.6 T.492.0209 7:00 PM Meeting adjourned