Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
March 11, 2010 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2010
- Terry Dalton
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Michael Marshall
- Kent Murray
- Mary Rigby
- Johnathan Thibodeau
- Joe Thomas
- Alan Turner
- Jeff Warnica
- Andrew D. Wright
Minutes of last meeting
The meeting was called to order by Bernie at 6:35 pm.
The minutes of the Board Meeting of 11 February
were approved as circulated. Moved by Alan.
Seconded by Kent.
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Alan Turner, Treasurer, noted the figures needed for
February's report were not yet available. However,
a preliminary review suggested the revenue for the
month was about what was expected.
Alan noted he should have the figures in a couple
days and will complete his report at that time.
Technical Report
Johnathan said the equipment needed for initial
wifi installation for Joe Howe Manor arrived.
Equipment could be installed on Gerrard Hall
as soon as April. Once that has been completed the work
on Joe Howe Manor could move forward.
Johnathan and Andrew will look into upgrading their
safety certification. Once this has been accomplished
Andrew will apply for the insurance CCN should hold
before further rooftop or exterior wall installations
are undertaken.
A copy of the the insurance policy will be attached the
Metro Housing Authority lease related to the exterior
installation of equipment before work on Joe How Manor
Review of Spryfield Town Hall and next steps
A wide ranging discussion served as review of the initial
community based Town Hall focused on the Digital Divide
held the previous night at the Spryfield Public Library.
Mike was commended for his organizational work, and
Andrew, Terry and Mike were congratulated on their
presentations and fielding various questions. Although
the audience was small, the success of the evening as a
whole served to spur the Board towards moving forward
with the Town Hall format.
Mike will work with Cheryl Black, a library staff member, to
set up meetings which will be announced in the forthcoming
Library Guide. He will attempt to secure a sequence of
meetings for May and June at the branch libraries in Bedford,
Clayton Park/Fairview (Keshen Goodman), Dartmouth (Alderney
Gate and/or Dartmouth North), and Sackville.
Annual General Meeting and Board Election
The AGM will held Thursday evening April 29.
Room 1009 on the ground floor of Rowe Building
across the street from the Student Union Building,
at the corner of Seymour and University Avenue,
Dalhousie campus. Meeting time will probably
be set for 7:00pm but there was a suggestion of
6:30. This should be finalized within the next
several days.
The presentation at the AGM could be a mini Town
Hall, perhaps billed as the 6th Town Hall.
A request asking members to consider taking
up a Board responsbility will be posted on the
website shortly.
Next meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday, 8 April
6:30 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.