Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 10
- Sharon Parker
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Derek Ferguson
- Doug McCann
- Andrew Wright
- Viola Winstanley
- Mark Rushton
- Krista Olmstead
- James Carroll
- Grace Paterson
- Viola Winstanley
- Bernie Hart
- Call to order
- Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Nomination of new Board member and change of positions.
- Other business
- Technical Committee Dysfunctionality: - Presentation by David Potter
- Discussion
- Technical Committee Presentation Follow Up
- Finance Chair
- Grant Application to OLT and contract with C-Suite Cooperative
- Adjournment
- Next meeting Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 6:30 p.m., Room 319, A&A
Building, Dalhousie University
1) Meeting called to order at 6:40pm
2) Approval for previous board meeting minutes deferred to next meeting.
3) Nomination for Board positions.
- Vice Chair of the Board
- Doug McCann appointed
- New Board Member Nomination
- Grace Paterson nominated James Carroll
- Andrew Wright Seconded
- Motion carried.
4) Other Business
- It was noted that the Board Minutes have not been updated on the Chebucto
Web Page for the last four or five board meetings. Krista Olmstead was
charged with contacting the Editor in Chief, Michael Cormier to get minutes
- Due to the lack of renewals coming in, a Membership Renewal Campaign was
suggested by Andrew Wright. Starting a phone blitz to all non-renewing
members would be supported by Sharon Parker, Marilyn MacDonald. Doug McCann
suggested pursuing sponsorship of phone lines for businesses.
5) Technical Committee Presentation by David Potter
- With the resignation of David Murdoch as Technical Chair, a new Chair
will be needed for the Committee. David Potter announced that he has
drafted a statement of requirement for the position and wished that the
board would search for a new chair. David Potter stated that he was not
interested in the Chair position for himself.
- Acknowledging that a gap exists between the Board of Directors and the
Tech Committee, David reported that he felt that as an organization
Chebucto has not done a good job of appraising new Board Members of the
technical requirements/resources associated with providing user services.
Chebucto is in the business of operating a complex, multi-user system,
where the users rely on Chebucto for services that are important and
essential to them.
There is a primary obligation to ensure that this service is provided
in a reliable manner, and that changes to the system are undertaken in a
manner that reflects this and other requirements.
The Chebucto system has been developed so that a task that normally
requires the direct involvement of a system administrator can be
accomplished by a trusted volunteer or office employee who does not
require the techncical skills/permissions normally associated with a
systems administrator. Chebucto still needs this functionality.
- Finances and Technical concerns carry many of the same consderations
including a requirement that management generally reflect a conservative
approach. Decisions for Chebucto cannot be made without taking into
account the financial and technical resources and the implications of
those decisions.
- Noting significant uncertainly over the nature and role of the Chebucto
Suite (CSuite) Software within the organization and the general lack of
confidence in the technical services, David Potter called on the board to
conduct an independent review of the decisions of the technical committee
and past boards with respect to CSuite and the management of technical
The hope was expressed that this might resolve in the current boards' mind
what he sees as confusion and concerns that are without foundation.
- David Potter offered to discuss recent events surrounding access to the
machine room. Time precluded that discussion. A report relating to these
activities was provided the following day via email.
6) Technical Committee Presentation Follow Up
- The board discussed finding a Technical Committee Chair. The names
submitted for potential Chairs were Ed Dyer, Chris Watt, and Jeff Warnica.
- Ed Dyer was concluded to be the most appropriate fit and concern was only
raised that Ed may not be interested in the position.
- Mark Rushton made a motion that the Chair of the Board would approach Ed
Dyer to see if he would be interested in taking the Chair of the Technical
Committee, and that the Executive Committee would follow up looking for
other appropriate Committee Chairs if Ed Dyer declined the invitation.
- Derek Ferguson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7) Finance Chair
- James Carroll volunteered to be Finance Chair. No others volunteered.
Motion carried.
8) Grant Application
- Board moved to go "In Camera"
9) Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm
10) Next meeting Tuesday, October 31, 2000 - 6:30 p.m., Room 319, A&A
Building, Dalhousie University