Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
October 20, 2010 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2010
- Mary Ansell
- Richard Connolly
- Deborah Dostal
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Kent Murray
- Johnathan Thibodeau
- Alan Turner
- Jeff Warnica
- Andrew D. Wright
Minutes of last meeting
Jeff moved approval of the August 18, 2010 minutes and Bernie seconded;
Committee Reports
Financial Report
The August and September financial reports were distributed. Alan noted
that income exceeded expenses for September. There is a projected surplus
of about $10,000. Alan moved approval of the reports and Marilyn seconded;
Technical Report
Johnathan reported on power outages at Dalhousie including an unplanned
one on Sunday. Johnathan and Andrew needed to come in to check on the
equipment. There will be another outage in November. There was no fallout
for CCN from the outages apart from a couple of complaints.
Progress on Gerard Hall
Johnathan reported that everything has been installed but there are issues
with the antenna cable. They are not getting a good signal on the ground.
This weekend, Johnathan and Andrew will go back to Gerard Hall and check
the cable. It is possible that a thicker gauge cable is needed.
Approach to the CRTC
Bernie's letter to the two Internet service providers was circulated. It
will be sent to the presidents with copies to the executive directors.
Marilyn suggested adding a line at the end regarding who they should
respond to and a suggested time frame for the response. Bernie moved that
we send the letters with changes and Marilyn seconded; carried. It was
also suggested that we add that we are exploring partnerships and that the
customers will be notified who is supporting CCN.
Role of Board Members and Relationship to Staff
Deborah read out some ideas for terms of reference and Board and staff
expectations. Richard and Deborah will meet to work on putting together
the required documentation.
Andrew suggested that we set up payment of memberships with PayPal which
would allow users without credit cards to renew their accounts online.
There is no payment to join and they only charge 30 cents per transaction.
Jeff moved to accept PayPal as a supplementary form of payment and Kent
seconded; carried.
Andrew will look into the rates of paying through PayPal with a credit
Other business
There was no other business.
Bernie moved adjournment at 7:11 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 17, 6:30 p.m.