<strong>This text is in bold</strong>
The output would look like this: This text is in bold
All that is required to format the text are the codes between the < sign, and the > sign. So <strong> is considered a code, commonly known as a tag. A pair of tags, such as <strong> and </strong> is known as an element. One thing to note is that in paired tags, the indicaters for the beginning tag are < and >. The indicaters for the ending tag are </ and >.
There are many examples of tags and elements used in HTML. Some tags are used by themselves, such as <p> and some are used as a pair, such as <em> </em>. In Lynx, the HTML source code can be seen by pressing the '\' key.
Also note that what you see is not always what you get. Bold text in Netscape may not be bold in Lynx. A bulleted list in Mosaic might not be the same as one in Netscape even though the codes are the same. All codes are dependent upon how your browser wants to interpret it.
First, in order to be an html document, and for tags to work properly, the file must be named with an html extender, as in filename.html
From the name, the browser knows it is an html document, and will follow the HTML rules in displaying the contents.
While documents will display HTML without them. it is also recommended that every HTML document should include the following standard tags:
<title> </title>
This is a convention that helps the many different browsers used by others to interpret your HTML document properly. Some modern browsers appear about to begin using these standard tags to position important parts of their code, and in future may not work properly on files that do not have them.
Should you include them? One prolific HTML author says Yes! He says he doesn't want to have to go back and put them in each of his 200-300 pages if one day he finds a new browser will not read his files.
In Lynx the title element will display the title text in the upper right corner of the screen, a useful reminder for viewers.
The other elements are used to denote different parts of the HTML document. The <html> and </html> tags identify everything between them as being formal html code. It is expected some future browsers will place certain commands outside these tags.
Usually, the only thing appearing in the Head portion is the title. Generally, all of the actual text and HTML formatting is in the Body section.
To illustrate, we will use only the <p> tag, or paragraph tag.
It puts a blank line between blocks of text, to separate them into two paragraphs. If there were no <p> tag, there would be no separation. It would all be one paragraph
When a browser like Lynx opens an HTML file (one with a name like filename.html) it automatically reads and adjusts all the text.
Every space between characters, no matter how large, is reduced down to a single blank space one character wide. If there are six blank lines between two words, they will be compressed into one single space.
If tabs were inserted, each reduces down to one space. If several tabs in a row contained no data, all would reduce down to one space. Carefully positioned text with several spaces between words, would each close up to a single space between each word.
End-of-lines are ignored. With a nice vertical list of words, the remainder of each line will be reduced to a single space.
A list like this will become a single line of text, with one space between each item.Note that Paragraphs are automatically filled, or justified, following the <p> tag. Two sentences with 5 returns between them would still display in the same paragraph.
Note also that HTML tags can be either upper or lower case, or a mixture. It doesn't matter which. Some html authors prefer writing all tags in upper case so they can more easily be seen in lengthy documents.
Some Company Inc.
1234 Anywhere Street
Smalltown, NS
Italics <em> </em> and boldface <strong> </strong> can be used to emphasize text. You may also have seen <i> </i> used for italics and <b> </b> used for boldface. The former is more correct because it allows the browser to interpret what "strong" and "em" mean. For example, Lynx does not support italics and "em" may mean something else, such as underline or a differnt color on your terminal
Finally, the horizontal rule <hr> is useful for drawing horizontal lines to separate the parts of your document. Here is an example:
Viewed with a graphics browser, header 1 is the most prominent, and header 6 is the least prominent. Header one is displayed in a very large font, while 6 is displayed in a tiny one.
Lynx has only fixed-size fonts, so it cannot change the size for emphasis. Instead, Lynx shows the Headers in different positions on the screen, to show their relative importance.
Viewed with Lynx, Header 1 is automatically centered.
The others are all offset from the left side of the screen, Header 2 is nearest the left edge and Header 6 is offset most.
Usually, only headers 1 through 3 are used. Headers are used as headings for various sections of a document. They help keep the document organized for the viewer.
To create an unordered list you need to use the <ul> </ul> tag. This tells the browser that this is an unordered list. For every item on the list you need to use the <li> tag to tell the browser that this is a list item.
So the previos list would be:
You can create nested lists; notice how they are indented:
For each nest you create it must begin with an Unordered List tag, and later must be turned off with the ending tag. Typing the lists already indented makes it easier to keep track of these beginning and ending tags. You just glance straight down the source page to find matching <ul> and </ul> tags.
An ordered list works similar to an unordered list, except you use the <ol> </ol> tag instead of the <ul> </ul> tag. List items inside the list still use the <li> tag.
You can also nest ordered lists.
Generally, It is recommend that you DO NOT use ordered lists.
If you need to nest ordered lists, nesting unordered lists withen ordered lists may be a solution.
Creating a definition list is more complicated than creating another kind of list, but not much more. First, you use the <dl> </dl> tag to show that it is a definition list. Then, for the definition term you use the <dt> tag. For the definition you then use the <dd> tag.
In the above list then each province has a <dt> tag in front of it and the description has a <dt> tag in front of it.
Many authors use them for just plain lists, where they do not want the bullets that are automatically placed in unordered lists. For example:
Date Holiday Oct 31 Halloween Dec 25 Christmas Jan 1 New Year's Day
To do this use the <pre> </pre> tag.
This is the same text, without using the tag for preformatted text:
Date Holiday Oct 31 Halloween Dec 25 Christmas Jan 1 New Year's Day
FRUIT Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Bananas 85 71 105 89 92 110 96 84 72 75 79 84 Grapes 17 19 16 11 12 9 8 9 12 14 17 16 Oranges 501 423 440 372 420 432 490 510 522 503 488 471 Figs 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 - - - 2 Dates 2 - - 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 Lemons 11 8 9 10 11 13 11 9 8 7 6 9 Grapefruit 105 89 92 110 96 84 72 75 79 84 93 101
Using preformatted text is an easy way to display a table in HTML. Just insert a <pre> before the table text and a </pre> after it.
All HTML browsers look for the < character and the > character to indicate tags in HTML documents.
That is, they look for these tag characters in any file like filemame.html that is named with a .html extender. The browser reads the information between the < and > characters to determine how to best format or display the document.
In such files, the < and > do not appear on the screen (nor does any text that is typed between them.)
So, what happens when you want to describe tags in your html document? Or, if you want to use these characters for another purpose?
To make them appear you need to use a special character tag. Each special character tag begins with an & sign and ends with a ;
< or less-than symbol is used to begin a tag, to display it use <
> or greater-than symbol is used to end a tag, to display it use >
" or double-quote symobol which is used to isolate file names and URLs within tags. Use " to display it.
& or ampersand symbol is used to help display the other special characters, use &.
They are quite simple codes:
Each ends with a ; semi-colon
Each begins with the &: character
An abbreviation is used to describe the character to show.
E.g., it is lt for Less-than symbol, and gt for greater-than
To use double-quotes throughout an html document, you may have to substitute the code above for each of them. Otherwise, you will not be sure it is showing properly on all browsers.
For a large document with many quotes, you can easily use a text editor or word processor to Find and Replace the " symbol with "
© 1996 is the copyright symbol. Only the date may show on some browsers. It is safer for now to type out Copyright © 1996 John Smith. It is created by using ©
Some other very useful proposed symbols are:
® for a registration mark, ®
£ for Pounds Sterling as in £1,738.50, £
¥ for Japanese Yen curency as in ¥4 million, ¥
° for degrees as in 45 degrees or 45°, °
± for plus/minus or as in plus or minus 2 degrees or
±2°, ±
We do not recommend you use any without testing them for your application. We only show them here so you wll be aware of their possible use in the near future. Back to Contents
Hypertext links allow your page to point to other places on the Internet. When the link taken it will take the person to that place.
<a href="http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/">Chebucto Community Net</a>
Where http://ccn.cs.dal.ca is the address for the homepage and Chebucto Community Net is what will appear highlighted as a link on the user's screen.
Now the http:// tells the computer that this is a hypertext link, which means that the location is on the World Wide Web.
Other types of links are:
Note that gopher is rarely used anymore, and ftp is being phased out by the web.
All of these would then have an address following them.
So a ftp link could be:
<a href="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/">Sunsite</a>
A gopher link could be: <a href="gopher://ac.dal.ca:70">Dal's Gopher Server</a>
Telnet can be very useful though. It allows you to log into another server on the internet. So if you were at a university and had an account there you could still get back to CCN and log into your account by using:
<a href="telnet://ccn.cs.dal.ca/">CCN</a>
You could even use a friend's account to then log on to your ccn account and be able to access your files.
You could also create a link that sends an email message to someone. To do this you would create a mailto link:
<a href="mailto: email address">screen text</a>
Where you would put whatever email address you wanted into that spot.
A useful thing with links is that you don't have to supply the whole address if the document is on the same site. If this is the case then you can just give the link relative to the page you are on. So if in your public_html directory you had a Hobbies directory that had a rock climbing site called rock.html then you could link this to your homepage just by using the link:
<a href="Hobbies/rock.html">Rock Climbing</a>
Instead of having to have the link:
<a href="http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~username/Hobbies/rock.html">Rock Climbing</a>
(Note that not only is the second link much longer, it also slows down the system more when you follow that link)
The path for the directory above the directory you are in is ".." so if you were in the rock climbing page and wanted to make a link back to your homepage you could just use the link:
<a href="../Profile.html">My Homepage</a>
In long documents it can be useful to have a table of contents at the beginning that allows the user to jump to different parts of the document. This is very similar to a hypertext link so it isn't much more difficult.
Normally when you set up a link <a href="document.html">Document</a> it takes you to the top of the document, but by using named areas it is possible make links to that document that go to specific parts, or to put a table of contents at the beginning of the document that lead to the different parts of the document.
In the document that has the section you need to use the anchor tag like this:
<a name="section">Section Title</a>
You can make the section anything, but it is usually an abbreviation of the section title for convenience. The section title is what appears on the screen at the beginning of that section so you may want to format the section title to add emphasis or to change the size of the title like this:
<h2><a name="zilla">Godzilla Movies</a><h2>
This way the title "Godzilla Movies" will display however header 2 is displayed in the browser. You could also use any other formating tag.
Then to link to that spot you just have to add #section to the link to that document. So if the section "Godzilla Movies" was in a document called movies.html then the link would be:
<a href="movies.html#zilla">Godzilla Movies</a>
If there was a table of contents at the beginning of the movies.html document then the link could just be:
<a href="#zilla">Godzilla Movies</a>
Another useful tag that you can use is the image tag. You can use this to put pictures in your pages (but lynx users won't be able to see them).
The image tag works similarly to the anchor tag. It looks like this:
<img src="filename">
Where filename is the name of the picture. Note that the filename must include the pathname of the file. So if you had a file called picture.gif in your graphics directory your image tag would be:
<img src="graphics/picture.gif">
If you wanted to though you could use a picture as a hypertext link. In this case you would include the image tag in the screen text area like this:
<a href="http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/"><img src="graphics/picture.gif"></a>
This would then display picture.gif and a user would then be able to select that picture and it would take them to the CCN homepage.
Bear in mind that lynx users cannot view pictures, only text. So if a lynx user was to view the page then they would not see this link. In order to make the link visible you must add the alternate tag to the image tag. The alternate tag tells the computer to display text that you specify instead of the picture, if the browser cannot view graphics.
So if you used the last link then you would want to modify it to:
<a href="http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/"><img src="graphics/picture.gif alt=CCN's Homepage"></a>
This way graphical users would see the picture.gif but text viewers would just see a link that says "CCN's Homepage". The important thing to remember is to provide text that gives the user some clue as to what the link does. If the link just said "image" then the user wouldn't know where it goes, but as it is now the user can still use your page effectively.
Another useful way to use the alt tag is to include the size of the file so that text users can determine if they want to download the image. This can be useful if you have a number of small images linked to their full-size counterparts. The graphical users would then see a small graphic and the text users would see a text description and how big the file is.
So if you had a big vacation photo (bigvacation.gif) of the Eifel Tower and a small preview version (smallvacation.gif) then you could make the following link:
<a href="http://qraphics/bigvacation.gif"><img src="smallvacation.gif" alt="Picture of the Eifel Tower, gif 156k"></a>
So then in a graphical browser the person would see a small picture of the Eifel tower and could click on it to see a big version, and the text browser user would see a link that tells them that the link leads to a picture of the Eifel tower that is a gif file and is 156k, so that if they want to download it they can.
You can then how it is important to use the alt tag well. In the last example the text could have said anything, but then it's not really useful to the text user.
Another thing that you can do with images is to use the align tag. This way you can control where the image is displayed, and how text relates to it. When you just put an image in around text then the text goes to the bottom of the image like this:
----------- | | | image | | | ----------- text text text text text text text textTo make this display better then you can do a number of things.
But to get the best control you can use the align tag. The align tag controls how the text after the image is displayed so you may still have to use a new paragraph or line before the image to get just the right look.
To align the text that follows the image with the center of image you use the align center tag:
<img src="graphic.gif" align=center>
And then it would look like this:
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ----------- | | | image | text text text text text tex tex text text text text | | -----------To align the text that follows the image with the top of the image then you use the align top tag:
<img src="graphic.gif" align=top>
So it would look like this:
----------- text text text text text text text text text text text text | | | image | | | ----------- text text text text text text text text text text text text text textIf you wanted the text to wrap around the image then you can use the align left or right tag:
<img src="graphic.gif" align=left>
So then it would look like this:
----------- text text text text text text text text | | text text text text text text text text | image | text text text text text text text text | | text text text text text text text text ----------- text text text text text text text text(note that this diagram is for align left. If you aligned right then the image would be on the right with the text to the left)
Of course if your images are not integrated with your text then you could just use normal formatting tags like <center> or <right>:
<p> <center><img src="graphic.gif"></center>
This would then have the graphic separate from the text and centered on the page.
If you want to make your images load faster then you can include the height and width of the image (in pixels) in the image tag:
<img src="graphic.gif" height=480 width=200>
What this does is it tells the browser what the size of the image is before it starts to load the image, so that it doesn't have to ask the server what the size is. This way the browser will load the images faster.
So in the end you can create a very long image tag that does a lot of things:
<img src="graphic.gif" alt="graphic, gif 156k" height=480 width=200 align=left>
This would display the picture graphic.gif, which is 480x200 pixels, along the left side of the screen, with text on the right. And if the person had a text browser then instead they would see the text, "graphic, gif 156k".
Here are some popular HTML Tools: