This hobby'o mine

The night was cold in the frosted sky,
She could not look him in the eye.
They stood there as long as they wanted too,
For what they had done no one could do.

The dragon lay dead at their  feet, 
The mage had been killed, hence, beat.
They gazed up at the stars and saw what they wanted,
Since his constellation had returned where he was to, and waited.

He took her in his arms and held her tight,
She loved him and he felt nothing but her life.
The sun came down on the bloody remains of the lord,
A new life they could never afford.

They kissed in the setting sun,
They slept in the dying sun.
The forest felt quiet and cold,
Once again it was ancient and old.

The shared love would never leave,
AS the last trick up my sleeve.
It was pulled so I could survive,
And not life in that long, endless dive.