The Chebucto Community NetVolunteer of the Month!
Bernie Hart
One of the Chebucto Community Net's Founding Fathers, Bernie Hart has been tireless in his efforts to bring the Internet to the people. Currently serving on the Chebucto Board as the External Relations Chair as well as being a Director of Telecommunities Canada, he has also over the years served as Membership Committee Chair, Development Chair, Vice-Chair of the Nova Scotia Federation of Community Nets, Chair of the Telecommunities Canada 1997 Conference (held in Halifax) and a member of the Nova Scotia Community Access Committee. He has been instrumental in the development of the N.S. Community Access Program (CAP) which he is still a key part of to this day and has travelled countless miles going from meeting to meeting all over this province and country in addition to his non-Internet related community volunteer work. A quiet unassuming visionary with a twinkle in his eye and a soft-spoken manner, Bernie Hart is famous, almost notorious for "meetings-on-the-fly", buttonholing some poor unsuspecting bureaucrat on a stairwell or elevator and extracting a promise of help or donation of equipment.
The Chebucto Community Net Volunteer of the Month page is accepting nominees. Do you know of someone who has gone the extra mile on behalf of CCN? Is there someone on your committee who keeps giving their all without any notice or fanfare? Show them their efforts are appreciated: send an email telling us what it is they have done or are doing.
You may send your nominations or suggestions about this page to: Andrew D. Wright,
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