STinG v1.26 information by Ronald Andersson
STinG 1.26  (426K)

         This is the second full STinG release made on these pages, and it
         includes some changes made as late as 2000.07.06 (the release date).
         Documentation has been improved and now includes better installation
         guides (step-by-step) for beginners, and a full description of all
         STinG API functions for programmers.

         Since release of STinG 1.26 some modules have been updated. Note
         that you should at least update to the latest TCP module, as this
         affects performance of all clients.

Serial port module 1.21  (15K)

         This serial port module fixes a problem with some PPP commands, not
         used by most ISPs.  Some ISPs use them to implement 'detmon' service
         to disconnect users who have crashed or turned off computers with a
         modem still active.  The PPP commands are used to check if the user
         computer is 'awake' and can send a proper PPP echo. That would cause
         ST and STe machines (using 68000) to bomb when using an older module.

TCP 1.40  (20K)

         This TCP module contains important fixes that raise efficiency of
         all normal clients.

       Further updates and information as well as many more files and
       utilities can be found at Ronald Andersson's STinG homepage at:

